Growth Marketing: Does my business need a Growth team? With Aaron Rosen, Head of Growth

While in the US it is very common to have a team focused solely on Growth, this concept is still relatively new in Europe.

If you are wondering what the advantages might be of introducing Growth Marketing to your business, how it can be done, and if this needs a complete restructuring of your org-chart, this Podcast is for you.

Listen to Aaron Rosen, Head of Growth at Project A, discuss these and many more questions in an animated discussion with Florian Heinemann, Founding Partner at Project A.

You will learn more about the idea of Growth Marketing, how the approach works, and what examples of successful Growth Marketing tactics are. Enjoy!

Guest: Aaron Rosen, Head of Growth at Project A

Host: Florian Heinemann, Founder Partner at Project A

Language: English

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Was sind kollaborierende Roboter, sog. Cobots, und wie können sie mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) Bewegungsabläufe initiieren, die Hand-Auge-Koordination erfordern, was lange Zeit als nicht möglich galt?

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We're looking to strengthen the leadership of one of our investments in Berlin, a direct-to-consumer brand based in Berlin: Eight figure revenues, strong funding and investors, excellent brand in a premium segment.

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Katarina Barley & Florian Heinemann: Wie sieht das digitale Europa der Zukunft aus? | #OMR19

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