It's OMR time in Hamburg next week with lots of great content

I would like to specifically point you to two masterclasses (both are held in English) that I find particularly relevant in a platform dominated economy:

1) What: I Got 99 Problems but My CDP Ain't One: How to Manage Customer Engagement Systematically? When: Tue/May 7 at 10:30am Markus Wuebben and @Manuel Hinz from CrossEngage will share best practices in how to create Hashtag#customerengagement and retentation, and specifically discussing the role Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) can play in this regard.

2) What: Key challenges in Data Driven Marketing When: Tue/May 7 at 16:30 My colleagues Philipp Werner (CMO), @Andres Tapia AlmansaA ( Head of Marketing), Ole BossdorfO (Head of BI) from Project A Ventures will share insights on some of the key challenges advertisers face when pursuing data-driven digital marketing: (1) attribution, (2) tracking/optimization of TV campaigns, (3) measurement of SEO brand/non-brand performance.


#cdp #attribution #customerdataplatform

K#231 Attributionsmodelle und Walled Gardens mit Florian Heinemann und Manuel Hinz (CrossEngage)

“In der allerersten Ausgabe mit Florian Heinemann (ca. 2014) dachten wir noch, dass jedes Unternehmen eine Marketinginfrastruktur analog zu Zalando aufbauen kann, wenn es denn will. Mittlerweile haben die vielen neuen Devices und Walled Gardens von Facebook und Google dazu geführt, dass man auch online viel mehr mitdenken muss und sich leider doch nicht so sehr auf die Daten verlassen kann. Dazu diskutieren wir live auf der d3con (Hamburg) mit Florian Heinemann und Manuel Hinz, der für dieses Problem eine Lösung bereitstellt.”

In the spirit of Knowledge Sharing

Please check out the 2nd edition of our Marketplaces and PlatformEconomy meetup happening tomorrow.

Project A Meetup.jpeg

Amazon and eBay aren't the only relevant marketplaces, especially if you would like to strengthen your position in certain regions. Therefore we are taking a look at

- Netherlands/NL:

- Poland/PL: Allegro

- Germany/DE:

We're planning to provide an overview of their special characteristics and specific opportunities.

Moreover, we will also dive into into private_label selling on Amazon.

Credits to Miro Mevius and Martin Bach from Project A Ventures and Maik Busch from KW-Commerce GmbH for organizing!

11.04.2019 / 6:30 - 9:00 pm

@ Project A Headquarters, Julie Wolfthorn Str. 1, 10115 Berlin

Next Display Meetup by Project A Ventures happening on April 8

This edition will focus on Programmatic Advertising. There are still a few tickets left. Please register here for free:


I am looking forward to presentations by Marek Lacina Lacina and Clara Zangirolami from N26 as well as my panel discussion with Katrin Breckner and Kornelija Daugalaite from Semasio.

See you at Project A on April 8!

Very happy about our investment in Copenhagen based Dixa - enabling a seamless, cross-channel customer service experience


This investment fits very well our thesis that happy and thus returning direct customers are key to thrive in a platform, GAFA-dominated economy. For a more detailed reasoning behind this investment please check out Andreas Helbig's post ( or the corresponding article on Techcrunch: Please PM me if you would like to find our more about the company. Dixa has already a very impressive roster of clients.

#customerservice #customer returningcustomers