
Metaverse-Wettrennen: Noch völlig unklar, ob Meta relevanter Player wird. Florian Heinemann im Talk

VC-Urgestein, Techinvestor, Marketing-Papst… Florian Heinemann ist unbestritten einer der absoluten Rockstars der Szene. Gerade war er erneut OMKB Gast und hat im Talk mit Co-Host Schahab Hosseiny seine spannende Gedanken zu den aktuell relevantesten Themen mit uns geteilt. Die Palette an Fragen war gewohnt vielfältig: Audio-Drive Content, CEO-Kommunikation, Kryptowährungen, Virtual Reality & Metaverse, Fonds… Besser könnt ihr eure Educational Time für diese Woche wohl nicht investieren.

From Startup to Scaleup: Best Practices for Boards | PAKCon 2021

“Virtually every VC-backed company has a board. But what's the key to making it a valuable resource for management and how do we even measure its success? Is there an ideal board design in terms of meetings and composition? Should there be an obligation to dissent? Surprisingly these and other important board-related questions are rarely ever discussed, and it is about time to put them on the VC ecosystem's agenda. Join the discussions of serial entrepreneur Anna Alex, strategic advisor Christian Bühring-Uhle and investor Florian Heinemann moderated by lawyer and law firm co-founder Benjamin Ullrich. “